Monday, April 27, 2009

A New Bill to increase doctors in Texas?

Since Texas considered as a huge state within approximately million of people living there, there is a concern risen. The state has about 254 counties and about 114 cannot meet the national standard for one doctor for every 3,500 people. Meaning along the border or in country-farm land, there is not much doctors around, only most doctors available in rural and incities.
So right now in this article, the legislatures and state representative are working on this and perhap making a new bill. They are also focusing on reffering to clients to young, attractive doctors. The Legislatives encouraging the young doctors to open their practices along the border and/or the country areas as well.
The young doctors who just graduated with a big debt of loan to pay off, wanting to work and find a job to pay off their loans. Mostly the young doctors are in the most population areas such as incities and rural areas. There are not much doctors near the border or in country area since not much populations there. For those young doctors, I understand they need the job bad to pay off the loan debts since the economy is bad. I would do the same thing but at the same time, we the people need to focus on the people's health. We cannot just abandon their health and focus on the economy.
I do believe that Texans should be and should do this by opening the offices for doctors and among other medical field along the borders and in country areas. That way, it shows they are paying attention and cares of people's health. It may or may not boost their income of paying off their college debts.

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