Tuesday, March 24, 2009

more restrictions on use of tanning salons by teens

As we are in 21st Century, we are more aware of risks for Skin cancer by the sun and the tanning salon. Right now than in the past, more people are avoiding the risks from the sun as using sun block with high SPFS (30, 45, etc.). On the other hand, some of us are being denial and being stubborn to continue using the lower SPFs by being sun bathing and/or continue attending to tanning salon. Even thou we are aware of the risks.

The Austin American Statesman commentary piece entitled "Legislature tries to draw tan line for teenagers". This article focuses the concerns on teenagers using tanning salon. The legislature and among other people felt they wanted to stop increasing the risks for teenagers' health of skin cancer. They are thinking of a way to limit this by using doctor's note and/or parents' permit by depend on the range of ages (13, 16, 18, etc.)...

State Rep. Burt Solomons, R-Carrollton wanted to put limit on Teenagers but not bans the tanning salon. They wanted the teenagers to be aware of the risks and facts before they proceed to make decision. Dr. Sharon Raimer, president of the Texas Dermatological Society, considered this as no reason to use tanning bed due to the health reason. So if they decide to set up a bill, this could affect the economy and their tanning businesses.

The author is showing the State Rep. Burton Solomon, Dr.Sharon Raimer and the tanning business owner making the argument. The senate wants to limits the tanning for teenagers to use, the Dr. Sharon Raimer has strongly concern and see this unnecessary for teenagers to use tanning. Both of them wanted to set up a bill to limit teenagers' use of tanning. The business owner concerned about business and economy use. The author uses this argument to inform the audience about setting up the bill for teenagers and show that the people care about teenagers' health.

The basic argument is to set up the bill for teenagers' use for tanning but with limit using doctor's/parents' permit but the downside is the tanning business might get less profits. The author used evidences from State Rep.'s and Dr.Sharon Raimer's comments and facts toward to the argument.To my opinion, I think that's a wise idea to set up a bill in 21st century especially focusing on the teenagers' health. It is like we have more control on teenagers since they are under 18. That way we care about their health and hoping the risks in future will decrease. On the other hand, I understand about the social with group of wanting to use tan for several reasons and the tanning business as well.

I wanted to point this out as this person has a good point: "Rep. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, said it well: "Sometimes I have a hard time telling businesses what they can and can't do, but this is a public health issue". This does have a good reason to set up a bill toward to public health issue.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Texas Schools Shut Down?

Since the economic is so bad, it affects other things. Now it affects the school systems. The AISD are discussing about shutting down the schools. The community, business companies and parents are now participating to save the schools and find different way to save instead shutting down the schools. Not only this community facing this, there are about more than 20 state wides are facing this issues. Soon, the lawmakers are scheduled to debate if they should change the law.

I felt this article is significant to us because we as adult, paying the bills and taxes. Our taxes goes to school systems as well. So we have a right to know where our taxes goes to. We also have a right to know about the education system and see how the process goes. This article could use our attention and our participate to save the schools if there are a way.
